MANUAL FOR GRABROM (6502 Machine code) This file describes the program GRABROM which transfers an image of a BBC series ROM to disk.For use on 8 bit BBC series of microcomputer,this finds applications where the ROM software is used infrequently and may be loaded into sideways RAM when required.This reduces the amount of firmware inside the machine,hence reducing strain on the PSU. The manual is (C)1997 SPROW and software is (C)1996 SPROW and (C)1995 A.J.Flegg INSTRUCTIONS- At any command line prompt,eg.the BASIC command prompt '>' type *GRABROM The program will then install itself into page &C00 (the CHR$ defn buffer on the BBC and Electron,or Econet workspace on the Master) where it will trap all future *CODE or *LINE commands. The syntax of use is displayed on first use,and can be recapped by the use of *LINE which will also cause the correct syntax to be displayed. *CODE saves an image to disk,with the filename entered by the user.The process can be aborted by pressing Escape at any point before the disk drive starts. The length of the ROM (8k or 16k only) is automatically detected by the software. The minimum acceptable abbreviation is *CO. and *LI. EXIT MESSAGES- "Bad id" - a ROM number greater than 15 was given "GRABROM Syntax: *CODE " - the use of *LINE shows this syntax "Escape" - terminated by Escape KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems Repointing of the 'reset' vector,to allow the pressing of BREAK,as for example may be performed when pressing BREAK-SHIFT to boot a disk. HISTORY- V1.00 First release version. V1.10 Repoints USERV,not claims it. V1.20 Uses *CODE to interpret the number to make code shorter than 256 bytes. V1.30 Adds "Save as:" user interface V1.40 Autodetect of image length added V1.50 'Escape'ing from the "Save as:" question now causes an escape event,not just printing the word "Escape"