MANUAL FOR LISTFIX (6502 Machine code) This file describes the program LISTFIX which cures a bug in BASICs of version less than 4.Typing in a program with loops and using the LISTO7 option (ie. indent all loops and indent line numbers by one too) will no format text properly - the closing NEXT (or UNTIL) statement is left too far out. The manual and software is (C)1997 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At any command line prompt,eg.the BASIC command prompt '>' type *LISTFIX The program will then install itself into page &C00 (the CHR$ defn buffer on the BBC and Electron,or Econet workspace on the Master) where it will check the character stream for the letter N or the letter U in Next and Until respectively.Pressing BREAK will stop the program intercepting letters. The program lays dormant in memory unless the most recent OSWord 0 (get line) started with "L". Note that due to space restrictions,the VDU stream is not fully tested - ie. embedding obscure VDU sequences in your listing may cause unpredictable results. EXIT MESSAGES- "Not in BASIC" - the current language must be BASIC for the patch to work "Wrong BASIC version" - the patch only works with BASIC I/II/III KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems Repointing of the 'reset' vector,to allow the pressing of BREAK,as for example may be performed when pressing BREAK-SHIFT to boot a disk. HISTORY- V1.00 First release version,to 8 Bit Software disk user group. V1.10 Uses &37 to read most recent token rather than scanning along one next line ahead of BASIC V1.20 Resulting space saving from V1.10 now used to test for BASIC version <=3 V1.30 Changed error message text,updated docs,checked with BASIC III and optimised an instruction