MANUAL FOR OSWDTCT (BBC BASIC) This file describes the program OSWDTCT which makes several OS calls to your version of the operating system and additional ROMs to see if you have suitable hardware software to allow the 'Doomsday' ROM to be used. The 'Doomsday' ROM extends the date range of 8 bit Acorns from 1900-1999 to the year 1900-2299, and also adds several useful *commands. The manual and software is (C)1997 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At the BASIC prompt, type CHAIN"OSWDTCT" The program will then report back to you which OS calls you have available, which it needs to run. Plus an overall opinion whether 'Doomsday' will function or not in this machine. EXIT MESSAGES- "Doomsday is suitable for your machine" - the calls reqd are supported "Doomsday is unsuitable for your machine" - the calls reqd are not supported "Doomsday is only suitable for 8 bit machines" - only 6502 based machines can run Doomsday KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems HISTORY- V1.00 Original submitted to 8 Bit software, EUG, and Acorn User magazines. V1.05 Check for machine id so that 32 bit Acorns are rejected. V1.06 Added a missing NEXT to the test looking for all &FF's. V1.07 Changed the machine id check to let through all 8 bit machines.