MANUAL FOR ROMLOAD (BBC BASIC+6502 ASSEMBLER) This file describes the program ROMLOAD which attempts to load a sideways RAM image into the machine on which it is being run. The program also attempts to find the first free vacant socket and will report an error if either no SWR is fitted or non is free. For use on 8 bit Acorns only. The manual is (C)1997 SPROW and software is (C)1996 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At the BASIC prompt,type CHAIN"ROMLOAD" The program will deliver the message "Searching" and if spare RAM is found will attempt to load in the image called "R.SNAPIT". This can be changed by suitable alterations to the program. With Acorn Electrons the command has been assumed to be *LOAD which loads into SWR, but this may be different depending on the add on you have. Again, this is easily altered. EXIT MESSAGES- "No free sideways RAM banks" - insufficient RAM is present in your machine KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems HISTORY- V1.00 Original submitted to EUG disk magazine V1.10 Tidied code, and made it suitable for more machine types