MANUAL FOR RWSHEILA (6502 Machine code) This file describes the program RWSHEILA which should speed up hardware accessing from the 2nd processor and from the IO processor itself via the approved OSbyte call mechanism. The manual is (C)1998 SPROW and software is (C)1997 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At any command line prompt,eg.the BASIC command prompt '>' type *RWSHEILA The program will then install itself into page &C00 (the CHR$ defn buffer on the BBC and Electron,or Econet workspace on the Master) where it will wait for any *FX151 (write to Sheila) attempts either from the 2nd processor or called from the IO processor. Because the OS doesn't have to spend time decoding the osbyte number and jumping to the relevent section of the OS,there should be a slight speed increase for that osbyte. NB.This patch MUST be run in the IO processor,so it's filestamp is &FFFF0C00 KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems HISTORY- V1.00 First release version,in response to a question about the Tube OS