MANUAL FOR WEBBC (6502 ROM image) This file describes the ROM image WEBBC which attempts to render HTML files from the current filing system into a readable format. The manual and software are (C)1998 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At any command line prompt, eg. the BASIC command prompt '>' type ON A MASTER: *SRLOAD WEBBC 8000 *INSERT where may be 7, 6, 5, 4 ON A MACHINE WITH SWRAM: *LOAD WEBBC 8000 and press CTRL-BREAK to initialise. The image will then be installed into the chosen socket where it can be entered with *WEBBC if in a valid screen mode. Valid modes are 0, 3, 4, and 6. The usage of WebBC is easy, and all actions are entered by pressing CTRL-key combinations as detailed below. COMMANDS- CTRL-U Enter a URL (well, valid filing system filename really) URL names can be up to 255 characters long CTRL-C Enter an OS star command The screen will clear and 'star' commands will be interpreted until a blank line is entered CTRL-B Go back one position in the history list CTRL-F Go forward one position in the history list CTRL-H Go home in the CTRL-R Reload the last valid URL entered Escape Stop whatever is being done TAGS UNDERSTOOD- Tag BR - line break Tag P - new paragraph Tag HR - horizontal rule All tags other are stripped and ignored. Escape sequences of the form &#xxx; are stripped and ignored. EXIT MESSAGES- "Escape" - the user pressed escape while at the command line "Not found" - invalid URL name was entered, ie. the HTML file couldn't be opened "Corrupted history list" - another task inside the BBC has overwritten part of the history list. Usually, you'll have to press break to clear this. "Bad MODE" - you attempted to start WebBC in an unsupported mode. KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems Could add support for interpretation of simple HTML tags. Would be preferable to cache files, rather than multiple BGETs, which will be inefficient over a network for example. Sync star command matcher with other ROMs. HISTORY- V0.10 Beta release to webpages, with no tag support at all V0.11 Having finished at the command line, the most recent page is reloaded V0.12 Changed the internal *command matcher - no noticeable external change V0.15 Updated to use current version of internal ROM library. Documentation overhaul. V0.20 Respond to '*HELP .' now. Removed the unused *CONFIGURE/STATUS IMAGES and NOIMAGES. Added support for tag

